Health insurance

AXIS Medical Center is a private rehabilitation facility that offers first-class healthcare in the field of neurorehabilitation and complies with all current EU standards for medical rehabilitation. In some countries, it is possible to get reimbursement for part of the cost of therapies.
Generally, you must apply for rehabilitation services. First contact your attending physician or your family doctor. Together with him, you declare the purpose and aim of the rehabilitation and can discuss the chances of success of the measures at the AXIS Medical Center. The doctor will then prescribe the need for rehabilitation. Detailed certificates and reports as well as a detailed personal letter are worthwhile, as this increases the likelihood of approval.

The various cost bearers offer a variety of ready-made forms online that can be downloaded and adapted quickly and easily. However, a prerequisite for a positive decision on cost coverage by the responsible health insurance fund is that an application has been submitted, including a transparent presentation of the costs of the treatment in advance of the service being provided, and that the eligibility requirements for a rehabilitation measure have been met.

Make use of your right to choose.

When you apply for rehabilitation, you have the right to choose your preferred facility yourself and to state this in your application. This allows you to have a say in the rehabilitation facility where your rehabilitation takes place. There is a field provided for this purpose in the application for rehabilitation.

The conditions for obtaining reimbursement for therapy vary from one country to another, so please contact our customer service department who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
