Financing of therapy

Our rehabilitation centre not only provides cutting-edge neurorehabilitation, but also helps patients and their families with financing. This is because we realize that long-term treatment is a big burden on the family budget. That is why our centre works closely with the AXIS Foundation, which provides the opportunity to collect 2 per cent of the taxes, but also supports the financing of the treatment with its own projects. Members of the Axis Foundation have the benefit of being informed about the Foundation’s projects or other grant opportunities.

About foundation

Axis foundation

“Happiness and fulfillment are achieved by loving rather than by being loved” wrote Aristoteles.
And the same is true of helping others…

The mission of the AXIS Foundation is to provide all-round help and support to the disabled, handicapped and chronically ill, especially children, but also adults and members of their families. For us, helping people means telling them that there is someone who cares about them, who respects their needs without any restrictions.

Since the beginning of its activities, the AXIS Foundation has focused primarily on activities that influence the independence of patients, promote their independence from family and environment and lead them to integration into society, whether in school, work, sports or other activities. This is why we work closely with AXIS Medical, a licensed medical centre that provides top-quality neurorehabilitation for patients from Slovakia, neighbouring countries and many other regions of Europe and Asia.

Unfortunately, unlike other foreign patients, Slovak and Czech patients are only minimally covered by health insurance companies. That is why we decided to support them and help them to finance their treatment in our own way through the Foundation, either through our own charity projects or in cooperation with other organisations, so that we can make it possible for them to undergo treatment.

We raise funds for the treatment of our patients, co-organising various charity activities. Many of our patients’ families are very active and organise their own charity events, which we are happy to help them with.
